Ethical Policy


This document sets out the essential ethical standards of business practice which Gardiners of Scotland Ltd requires and expects its suppliers to adhere to in the sourcing and manufacture of product to be sold or supplied to it.

These standards are to be applied by the supplier (whether manufactures directly or sources product from others) and by any agents or sub-contractors engaged by Gardiners of Scotland Ltd.

Gardiners of Scotland Ltd recognises that we trade in a world of differing cultures but respect for certain standards applies the world over and thus must also cover our business activities.

Gardiners of Scotland Ltd therefore expects that all goods be produced and supplied on the basis that suppliers have met the following standards: –

i) Employment / Workers Rights

a) There must be no use of forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour; employers/workers must be free to work as they chose.
b) Workers must have the freedom to leave employment on giving reasonable notice – there should be no withholding of identity papers/passports/registration documents. Workers should be free to join or form trade unions.
c) Child labour must not be used nor should any other vulnerable groups be exploited.
d) No-one under the minimum local legal working age should be employed and under no circumstances must anybody be employed below 14 years of age.

Persons under 18 shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions; those over the age of 18 shall not be employed in hazardous conditions unless proper safety procedures are in place.
e) The working environment must be clean and safe and allow access to drinking water, bathroom facilities and fire escapes whilst providing adequate ventilation, acceptable working temperatures, and provision for first aid and meal and rest breaks.
f) Accommodation, if provided shall meet the reasonable needs of the employee whilst being also of a decent standard, clean and safe.
g) Management shall be responsible providing a safe working environment with workers receiving regular health and safety training. Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent injury to workers.
h) Working hours and pay must comply with all local laws and be compatible with local custom and practice.
i) Workers’ hours should not be excessive with all overtime being voluntary and paid for at a premium rate.
j) No person must be discriminated against because of their colour, religion, race, caste, sexuality, gender, age or disability, marital status, trade union membership or political affiliation.
k) No inhumane or harsh treatment of workers shall be acceptable.

ii) Environment

All suppliers should exhibit a positive approach to the protection of the environment and must adhere to local laws on environmental issues and international best practice where reasonably achievable and should abide by international, national and sector codes of practice concerning the
use of chemical products, including pesticides.

iii) Disclosure

Suppliers shall be responsible for ensuring that all of the above standards are observed by sub-contractors and agents and shall supply details of all such sub-contractors and agents to Gardiners of Scotland Ltd on request.